
kissing ,hugging ,BBBJ ,PSE

About me

As an independent escort, my utmost priority is to provide you with an exceptional and fulfilling experience as your ideal female companion. Standing at a petite height of below 160cm, I cater to those seeking the company of bisexual escorts and high-end companions.

With my luscious blonde hair, I exude an irresistible charm that captivates my clients. Fluent in English, I effortlessly establish a connection with my clients, fostering a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere.

My physical attributes are something to be cherished. Blessed with naturally seductive, full G-cup breasts, I possess an enticing allure that is sure to leave you longing for more. To add to my unique appeal, my eyes boast a rare red color, captivating your attention and leaving a lasting impression.

On the scales, my weight ranges between 66kg and 70kg, positioning me as a perfect blend of grace and sensuality. As your ideal Japanese escort, I am dedicated to fulfilling your desires and ensuring your satisfaction every step of the way.

I take pride in offering my services as an adult provider specializing in serving the disabled community. With empathy and understanding, I strive to create an environment where everyone feels welcomed and their needs are met.

Choose me as your companion, and together we will embark on an unforgettable journey filled with excitement, passion, and genuine connection.


LindaNewBabe Female,5'3 or under(160cm),Bisexual,Red,Disabled
LindaNewBabe Female,5'3 or under(160cm),Bisexual,Red,Disabled
LindaNewBabe Female,5'3 or under(160cm),Bisexual,Red,Disabled
LindaNewBabe Female,5'3 or under(160cm),Bisexual,Red,Disabled
LindaNewBabe Female,5'3 or under(160cm),Bisexual,Red,Disabled
LindaNewBabe Female,5'3 or under(160cm),Bisexual,Red,Disabled







NSW/Lavender Bay


Time Outcall In-call
30min $300 $350
1hour $400 $450
2hour $500 $550

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    BDSM,CBJ,Costumes,Couples,Dinner companion,Fetish,GFE,Light spanking,PSE,Secretary,Latex / Leather Worshship,Intimidation on You

My profile

Weight 66-70kg
Languages English
Hair color Blonde
Body type Tall
Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
Sexuality Bisexual
Breast G cup
Ethnicity Japanese
eyes Red
Gender Female

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